Birthday Party!



Sunday, April 30th from 3 – 5:30 pm:


Join us for the “Birthday Party!” (private) party! You’re sure to have a “colorful” time out on the town in Vino & Vango’s beautiful art studio located at 236 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon.

…Relax, eat, sip, and laugh!

You are welcome to bring your own wine, beer, cider… Also, bring snacks, soda, juice, cake, balloons – what have you!

Please allow us to open and pour any adult beverages for you, per OLCC regulations. We are more than happy to do this. …There’s never any corking fee!


…Don’t forget to ask us about punch cards! Per-class ‘punches’ combined with free Facebook check-in ‘punches’ every time you come in mean that you can get yourself a free pARTy entry in no time!

And… First-timers start out with TWO punches for their class! They add up quickly.. See your artist instructor for more info!


Tips for our artist instructors – slash – adult beverage pour-er/s are always appreciated – should you be so inspired. 🙂

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