* Paint Your Pet *
Thursday ~ December 2nd
~ 6 – 9:00 pm ~
enrollment for this class closes on Tuesday, November 30th
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Hello Painters! This class involves lots of prep work on our end, so please provide us with the required material ASAP. We strive to do our best for you and your precious companions. A prompt submission really helps to expedite this process and allows for extra time for the final details.
Thank You.
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* Start Here *
- Send us 3 photos: (head shots) of your pet facing the camera. Keep in mind this is a portrait, so focus on that beautiful face/mug.
- Avoid shooting from above your pooch; rather, squat or kneel to get a good, level shot. We find this to be the most flattering angle.
- Please send your images in a JPEG file so we can easily work with them.
- EMAIL photos to: [email protected]
2nd pet addition – $40 Please send 3 images of this one as well.
The most applicable of the 3 images will be enlarged, then traced onto a canvas size that best fits your pet. Sizes vary depending on the class project. Most generally, the 14″ x 14″ square is ideal. If you prefer a larger size, (16″ x 20″) please call so we can have your canvas prepared. Additional charges may apply.
* We Got You *
LOTS of individual help/attention will be given during this class to help in relieving any stress and assuring that you will have a wonderful experience and in the end, a handsome portrait of your fur baby!
* Relax * Sip * Paint *
We practice care and responsibility in keeping everyone protected and safe while in our studio!
You may still bring and enjoy provisions at your own table.
* Relax * Sip * Laugh * Paint *
Bring your favorite snacks & beverages ~ adult &/or otherwise; wine, cheese & crackers, beer, mini tacos, cider, soda, popcorn, juice, cake… Go Nuts!
Don’t Worry, We’ve Got the Rest!
We supply napkins, plates, cups and wine keys. Please bring your own ice and utensils if needed and keep your provisions at your own table.
While those consuming alcohol must be at least 21, all ages are welcome to paint at Vino & Vango.
…See you at the pARTy!
Paintings – and Painting Parties – make great GIFTS!