Wowza what a wild winter it was! Grey days, frozen nights and more ice than we’ve seen around Willamette Valley in years. Luckily, it looks like Spring has finally arrived in all it’s pollen covered glory.
Here at Vino and Vango, we have been kicking off the change of season with one beautiful Springfield Paint Party after another. We dove right into the warm weather paintings in March, in an attempt to banish the chill. Boquets of flowers in pretty rain boots, fluffy bunnies grabbing a midnight snack, and bright red ladybugs in the garden were all a blast to create.
Our main Studio and Gallery have been bursting with color, music and laughter. Our Public Paint and Sip Parties are such a great way to relax after a long day. We love it when people walk in the door as strangers and leave as friends. It happens all the time! You never have to be afraid to fly solo here, and groups are always welcome.